¡¡Buenaaas!!Esta vez he intentado que no pasara demasiado tiempo entre post y post jajaja.Hace unos días grabé este vídeo en el que os hablo de mis productos favoritos, no de un mes en concreto, sino en general, mis productos de maquillaje preferidos últimamente.
Espero que os resulte útil, por si queréis comprarlos. Si tenéis cualquier duda o pregunta, no dudéis en dejarme un comentario. O también si queréis compartir vuestros productos favoritos o lo que pensáis de los productos que yo he elegido :D
Por cierto, también me gustaría que me dijérais qué opináis de que cuelgue estos vídeos: ¿os gusta ver algún vídeo de cuando en cuando o preferís que publique por escrito mejor? Vuestra opinión es muy importante para mí.
¡Un beso y gracias por verme/leerme! jijiji
Sorry I haven't translated the video into English. I'll sum up my most used/favourite products down below:
1. Revlon ColorStay: really good, medium coverage, very light (which I love, 'cause I hate that cake-y feeling), stays really long time (believe me, I've tried it in the most extreme situations, like a loooong coach trip, crazy nights out...) plus it has SPF. Great matte finish.
2. NYX Eyeshadow in Highlight: a must-have! works for any kind of look, great for highlighting (I bet you couldn't guess lol). Matte finish, good staying power with eye primer, and all for a great value!
3. NYX Round Lipgloss in Whipped: Not sticky at all (great!). Pinky nude colour, no shimmer. Great for everyday/dramatic looks. Did I mention it's NOT sticky? Thank god...and again, very cheap.
4. ELF Cream Eyeliner in black: awesome! great texture, very easy to apply (even though I must admit I have a high expertise level with eyeliners ;P), lasts all day and very cheap once again. I personally use a small angled brush to apply it, it's really easy to use that way.
5. ELF Eyebrow Lifter&Filler: the highlight colour is ok, don't use it much, but the other end (brow filler) is great: soft, easy to blend into your eyebrow (I blend it with a flat brush), plus one of the caps is a sharpener that works really well.
6. Sephora Myrtille nail polish: the colour is just amazing :D
7. Rimmel Soft Coral: soft, not sticky, soft coral colour with very subtle silver shimmer. I'm wearing it on the vid.
8. IsaDora Delirious Palette (the dark e/s): my fave e/s of all times. The colour is hard to define: khaki, dark gold, brown...perfect for any skintone. Similar to NYX Pearl Pigment Moka, but not exactly...haven't found a good dupe yet ('cause the IsaDora palette was a limited edition :S)
Thanks for reading! Please, feel free to leave any comments if you have any question or if you want to share your fave products or your opinion on mine.